Nathan Tuggy
(559) 862-1227
Languages: JavaScript; C#; HTML/CSS; VB.NET; Windows PowerShell; VBScript; PHP
Environments and Frameworks: .NET Framework, Visual Studio; NHibernate ORM; Microsoft Access, Excel, general Office VBA; Apache, ASP.NET; SQL Server, MySQL
General: object-oriented specification design and domain modeling; user-interface design; customer support; technical writing; unit testing; application provisioning and servicing
Work Experience
Wolford Enterprises Centerville, TN 11/2014 – present
Administer, update, customize code for, and moderate several small self-hosted WordPress sites and a Simple Machines forum. Improve shop processes (3D printing, assembly) and inventory management. Current contract.
Administer, update, customize code for, and moderate several small self-hosted WordPress sites and a Simple Machines forum. Improve shop processes (3D printing, assembly) and inventory management. Current contract.
Website Administrator
Fujitsu NA/Socionext America 9/2014 – 9/2015Correct LAMP configuration to enable Ideaboxx site launch and subsequent maintainability after delays; modernize WordPress site design and update layout. Finished upgrade to specifications.
Database Developer
Tulare Lake Basin Water Storage District 6/2013 – presentDevelop and deploy Access replacement for abandonware line-of-business database. System meets demanding California regulations and Central Valley legacy agreements for water use accounting. Pending phase II of project.
Baun Software Development Services 5/2010 – 9/2010Designing, coding, testing, and fully deploying custom business software using Fluent NHibernate/LINQ and StructureMap in C# to gather real-time business intelligence by scraping authenticated web pages from multiple sites at high frequencies and displaying the combined results on an ASP.NET site. Startup radically downsized due to lack of new projects.
Freelance Computer Programmer
IntegrateNow 5/2009 – 1/2010Sub-contracting for Xora integration specialists IntegrateNow on custom integration projects, including web scraping, .NET web services, and synchronization/translation of third-party data sources. Driving best practices adoption for reliability, security, usability. Company reduced staffing due to insufficient project availability.
Computer Programmer/Database Administrator
Plumbers, Pipe and Refrigeration Fitters Local Union 246 Fresno, CA 9/2006 – 6/2009Maintained a custom Access database of union members, apprentices, contractors, member dues, and billing. The database contained over 2000 members’ records and several hundred contractors’, along with over ten years of receipts. Improved maintainability by slashing minimum bug-fix turnaround time from more than 5 hours to less than 15 minutes, saving thousands of dollars in productivity. National union eventually replaced custom database with off-the-shelf software package in corporate initiative.
Database Administrator
EcoWater Systems 9/2006 – 11/2006Worked as independent contractor, improving usability, adding reports, and making Access database easier to maintain. Finished budgeted upgrade project.
Volunteer Experience
Commandments Hierarchy
Extended coverage, further automated and refined GraphViz output, and improved class structure.Distributed Proofreaders
Easily met high standards for accuracy and speed correcting errors in OCR text for public-domain book digitization.Pet Dragons 2 beta
Found several security/scalability problems, several dozen user interface problems, and double-checked internal mechanics assumptions. Top 5 most active testers.Mozilla Thunderbird
Reported, triaged, and investigated 500+ bugs using Litmus and Bugzilla. Named Friend of the Tree 2010-02-15.Education
College coursework
The Master’s College Santa Clarita, CA 8/2007 – 5/2008Polished personal/communication skills. Further technical training in software design and implementation. 3.6+ GPA; student leadership position, training for wing lead position.
High school
Ambassador Christian Academy 9/2002 – 4/2006Homeschooled, trained to love books, science, and computers. Extensive, rigorous independent study. GPA of 3.6.
Please feel free to call or email for references.